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by spy last modified 2011-08-27 13:10

List of publications authored or co-authored by members of the speech synthesis group in [Journals], [Collective Volumes], and [Conferences]. A list of [Other Publications] co-authored by members of the Group is also available.

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This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.



[Chalamandaris et al., 2010]
A. Chalamandaris, S. Karabetsos, P. Tsiakoulis, S. Raptis, "A Unit Selection Text-to-Speech Synthesis System Optimized for Use with Screen Readers", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 1890-1897, August, 2010.

[Karabetsos et al., 2010]
S. Karabetsos, P. Tsiakoulis, A. Chalamandaris, S. Raptis, "One-Class Classification for Spectral Join Cost Calculation in Unit Selection Speech Synthesis", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 17, No. 8, pp. 746-749, August, 2010

[Tsiakoulis et al., 2010]
P. Tsiakoulis, A. Potamianos, and D. Dimitriadis, "Spectral moment features augmented by low order cepstral coefficients for robust ASR", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 551-554, June, 2010

[Protopapas et al., 2010] 
Α. Protopapas, Μ. Tzakosta, Α. Chalamandaris and P. Tsiakoulis, "IPLR: an online resource for Greek word-level and sublexical information", Language Resources & Evaluation, Springer, 2010.

[Karabetsos et al., 2009]
S. Karabetsos, P. Tsiakoulis, A. Chalamandaris, S. Raptis, "Embedded Unit Selection Text-to-Speech Synthesis for Mobile Devices", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Issue 2, Vol. 56, May 2009.

Book Chapters and Collective Volumes

[Chalamandaris et al., 2011]
A. Chalamandaris, P. Tsiakoulis, S. Raptis and S. Karabetsos, "Corpus Design for a Unit Selection TtS System with Application to Bulgarian", Human Language Technology: Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011, Volume 6562/2011, 35-46, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-20095-3_4

[Chalamandaris et al., 2009c]
A. Chalamandaris, S. Raptis, P. Tsiakoulis, and S. Karabetsos, "Enhancing Accessibility of Web Content for the Print-Impaired and Blind People", in USAB2009: Human-computer interaction for eInclusion, A. Holzinger and K. Miesenberger (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2009

[Raptis et al., 2009b]
S. Raptis, P. Tsiakoulis, A. Chalamandaris and S. Karabetsos, "User Interaction Design for a Home-Based Telecare System", in USAB2009: Human-computer interaction for eInclusion, A. Holzinger and K. Miesenberger (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2009

[Karabetsos et al., 2008]
S. Karabetsos, P. Tsiakoulis, A. Chalamandaris, and S. Raptis, "HMM-based Speech Synthesis for the Greek Language," in Petr Sojka, Ivan Kopecek, and Karel Pala (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer – Verlag, 2008

International Conferences

[Raptis et al., 2011]
S. Raptis, A. Chalamandaris, P. Tsiakoulis, S. Karabetsos, "The ILSP Text-to-Speech System for the Blizzard Challenge 2011", In Proc. Blizzard Challenge 2011 Workshop (satellite of Interspeech 2011), Turin, Italy, September 2, 2011

[Raptis et al., 2010]
S. Raptis, A. Chalamandaris, P. Tsiakoulis, S. Karabetsos, "The ILSP Text-to-Speech System for the Blizzard Challenge 2010", In Proc. Blizzard Challenge 2010 Workshop (satellite of the 7th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop), Kyoto, Japan, September 25, 2010

[Raptis et al., 2009a]
S. Raptis, P. Tsiakoulis, A. Chalamandaris and S. Karabetsos, "High Quality Unit-Selection Speech Synthesis for Bulgarian", In Proc. 13th International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM'2009), St. Petersburg, Russia, June 21-25, 2009

[Tsiakoulis et al., 2009]
P. Tsiakoulis, A. Potamianos, and D. Dimitriadis, "Short-time instantaneous frequency and bandwidth features for speech recognition," Proc. of the 2009 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2009, pp. 103-106, 2009

[Tsiakoulis & Potamianos, 2009]
P. Tsiakoulis, P., Potamianos, A., "Statistical analysis of amplitude modulation in speech signals using an AM-FM model", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP2009, pp. 3981-3984, 2009

[Chalamandaris et al., 2009b]
A. Chalamandaris, P. Tsiakoulis, S. Karabetsos, and Spyros Raptis, "An Efficient and Robust Pitch Marking Algorithm on the Speech Waveform for TD-PSOLA", in Proc. Intl. IEEE Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA), Malaysia, 2009

[Chalamandaris et al., 2009a]
A. Chalamandaris, P. Tsiakoulis, S. Raptis, and Sotiris Karabetsos, "Design of an Efficient Corpus for High-Quality Unit Selection TTS for Bulgarian", in Proc. 4th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, Poland, 2009

[Demiros et al., 2008]
I. Demiros, G. Carayannis, V. Antonopoulos, G. Kambourakis, V. Katsouros, P. Kolevris, M. Nottas, H. Papageorgiou, V. Papavasiliou, S. Raptis, F. Simistira, and T. Stafylakis, "PANOPTIS: a System for Intelligent Monitoring of the Hellenic Broadcast Sector," in Proc. DEXA'08, 19th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Turin, 1-5 September, 2008

[Tsiakoulis et al., 2008]
P. Tsiakoulis, A. Chalamandaris, S. Karabetsos and S. Raptis, "A Statistical Method for Database Reduction for Embedded Unit Selection Speech Synthesis," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2008), Las Vegas, USA, 2008

[Dimou & Chalamandaris, 2008]
A. L. Dimou and A. Chalamandaris, "Is idiom identification possible from prosodic information? An experimental approach for the Greek language", in Proc. 4th Intl Conf. Speech Prosody 2008, pp. 759-762 (2008)

[Karabetsos et al., 2006]
S. Karabetsos, P. Tsiakoulis, S. E. Fotinea and I. Dologlou, "Formant Estimation of Speech Signals Using Subspace-Based Spectral Analysis", in Proc. EUSIPCO 2006 (14th European Signal Processing Conference), Florence, Italy, September, 2006

[Chalamandaris et al., 2006]
A. Chalamandaris, A. Protopapas, P. Tsiakoulis and S. Raptis, "All Greek to me! An automatic Greeklish to Greek Transliteration System," 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2006), Genoa, Italy, 24–26 May, 2006

[Dimou & Chalamandaris, 2006]
A. L. Dimou and A. Chalamandaris, "Language identification from suprasegmental cues; examining the role of rhythm in the identification of a Greek dialect", in Proc. La comunicazione parlata / Spoken Communication, February, , Italy, 2006

[Raptis & Chalamandaris, 2005]
S. Raptis and A. Chalamandaris, "IMUTUS - Interactive Music Tuition System", The 5th Open MusicNetwork Workshop, July 4-5, Vienna, Austria, 2005

[Chalamandaris et al., 2005]
A. Chalamandaris, S. Raptis and P. Tsiakoulis, "Rule-based grapheme-to-phoneme method for the Greek", in Proc. Interspeech’2005: 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, September 4-8, Lisbon, Portugal, 2005

[Karabetsos et al., 2005]
S. Karabetsos, P. Tsiakoulis, S. E. Fotinea and I. Dologlou, "On the Use of a Decimative Spectral Estimation Method based on Eigenanalysis and SVD for Formant and Bandwidth Tracking of Speech Signals", in Proc. Interspeech 2005 (Int. Conf. on Speech Commun. Technol.), Lisbon, Portugal, September, 2005

[Tsiakoulis et al., 2005]
P. Tsiakoulis, S. Karabetsos, S. E. Fotinea and I. Dologlou, "Spectral Estimation for Speech Signals based on Decimation and Eigenanalysis", in Proc. HERCMA-2005 (7th Hellenic European Conf. on Computer Mathematics & its Applications), Athens, Greece, September, 2005

[Raptis et al., 2005b]
S. Raptis, A. Askenfelt, D. Fober, A. Chalamandaris, E. Schoonderwaldt, S. Letz, A. Baxevanis, K. Falkenberg Hansen and Y. Orlarey, "IMUTUS – An Effective Practicing Environment For Music Tuition", International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2005), September 5-9, Barcelona, Spain, 2005

[Raptis et al., 2005a]
S. Raptis, I. Spais and P. Tsiakoulis, "A Tool for Enhancing Web Accessibility: Synthetic Speech and Content Restructuring", in Proc. HCII 2005: 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 22-27 July, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2005

[Chalamandaris et al., 2004b]
A. Chalamandaris, P. Tsiakoulis, S. Raptis and G. Giannopoulos, "An Efficient and Robust Algorithm for Bypassing Greeklish", in Proc. IC-SCCE 2004: 1st International Conference from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering, 8-10 September, Athens, Greece, 2004

[Chalamandaris et al., 2004a]
A. Chalamandaris, P. Tsiakoulis, S. Raptis, G. Giannopoulos and G. Carayannis, "Bypassing Greeklish!", in Proc. LREC 2004: 4th International Conference on Language Resources And Evaluation, May 26-28, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004

[Giannopoulos et al., 2003] 
G. Giannopoulos, A. Chalamandaris, S-E. Fotinea, T. Athanaselis, G. Carayannis, "Analysis and modelling of the Carrier Declination for the Greek language", in Proc. of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences - ICPhS03, 3-9 August 2003, Barcelona, pp. 555-558.

[Malliopoulos et al., 2001]
C. Malliopoulos, S. Raptis, S. Bakamidis and A. Georgaki, "Music Editors for Visually Impaired Persons: User Interface Specifications and System Design," Int’l Conference on Web Delivering of Music 2001, Florence, Italy, 2001

[Raptis et al., 2001]
S. Raptis, S. Tzafestas, and G. Carayannis, "Semi-Automatic Parameter Extraction for Formant Speech Synthesis: The Genetic Algorithms Case," in Proc. The 4th European Conference on Noise Control (Euronoise 2001), "Acoustic Materials and Systems for Noise Control", Greece, (2001)

[Founda et al., 2001b] 
M. Founda, A. Chalamandaris, G. Tambouratzis, and G. Carayannis, "Studying the Factors Affecting the Optimal Unit Selection Algorithm for a TTS System for the Greek Language", in Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Noise Control EURONOISE2001, Patra, 14-17 January 2001, Vol. II, pp. 758-764.

[Founda et al., 2001a] 
M. Founda, A. Chalamandaris, G. Tambouratzis, and G. Carayannis, "Reducing Spectral Mismatches in Concatenative Speech Synthesis via Systematic Database Enrichment", in Proceedings of the Eurospeech-2001 Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, 4-7 September 2001, pp. 837-840.

[Georgaki et al., 2000]
A. Georgaki, S. Raptis, and S. Bakamidis, "A Music Interface for Visually Impaired People in the WedelMusic Environment: Design and Architecture," in Proc. MUSIC IR2000: Intl. Symposium on Music Information Retrieval, Plymouth, Massachusetts, 2000

[Raptis et al., 1998]
S. Raptis, C. Malliopoulos, S. Bakamidis, and G. Stainhaouer, "A Speech Agent for Remote E-Mail Access," in Proc. The 4th IEEE workshop on Interactive Voice Technology for Telecommunications Applications and ESCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Applications of Speech Technology in Telecommunications, September 29 - 30, Torino, Italy (1998)

[Raptis & Carayannis, 1997]
S. Raptis and G. Carayannis, "Fuzzy Logic for Rule-Based Formant Speech Synthesis," in Proc. EuroSpeech’97, Sept. 22-25, 1997, Rhodes, Greece, 1997

Other publications co-authored by Group members

Journals (Other)

[Raptis & Tzafestas, 2007]
S. Raptis and E. Tzafestas, "Robot Inverse Kinematics via Neural and Neurofuzzy Networks: Architectural and Computational Aspects for Improved Performance", Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 905-933, Nov., 2007

[Tzafestas et al., 2003]
S. G. Tzafestas, S. N. Raptis, and T. Pimenides, "Genetic Algorithm-Based Fuzzy System Design Using a New Representation Scheme", Studies in Informatics and Control, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 91-99 (2003)

[Tzafestas et al., 1999]
S. G. Tzafestas, S. Raptis, and N. Moschos, "A Hybrid Pricing Expert System Based on Fuzzy Reasoning", Found. Comp. & Decision Sci., Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 171-187 (1999)

[Tzafestas et al., 1998]
E. S. Tzafestas, S. N. Raptis, and S. G. Tzafestas, "Multi-Agent Robot Architectures: The Decomposition Issue and a Case Study", The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 163-187 (1998)

[Raptis & Tzafestas, 1997]
S. N. Raptis and S. G. Tzafestas, "Agent-Like Neurofuzzy Architectures for Mobile Robot Path Planning", Studies in Informatics and Control, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 303-317 (1997)

[Tzafestas et al., 1996c]
S. Tzafestas, S. Raptis, J. Pantazopoulos, "A Vision-Based Path Planning Algorithm for a Robot-Mounted Welding Gun", Image Processing & Communications, Vol. 2, No. 4 (1996)

[Tzafestas et al., 1996b]
S. Tzafestas, S. Raptis, and G. Stamou, "A Flexible Neurofuzzy Cell Structure for General Fuzzy Inference", Mathematics & Computers in Simulation, Vol. 41, Nos. 3-4, pp. 219-233 (1996)

Book Chapters and Collective Volumes (Other)

[Raptis et al., 2001]
S. Raptis, S. G. Tzafestas, and H. Karagianni, "Optimal Genetic Representation of Complete Strictly-Layered Feedforward Neural Networks", in Bio-inspired Applications of Connectionism, José Mira, Alberto Prieto (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2085, pp. 127-135, Springer (2001)

International Conferences (Other)

[Economou et al., 2000]
C. Economou, S. Raptis, and G. Stainhaouer, "LEXIPLOIGISSI: An Educational Platform for the Teaching of Terminology in Greece", in Proc. The Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2000), Athens, Greece. Vol. 3, pp. 1787-1792 (2000)

[Raptis & Tzafestas, 1998c]
S. N. Raptis and S. G. Tzafestas, "Genetic Evolution of Neural Networks Based on Subpopulation Schemes", in Proc. SoftCom’98: IMACS International Symposium on Soft Computing in Engineering Applications, June 22-25, Athens, Greece (1998)

[Raptis & Tzafestas, 1998b]
S. N. Raptis and S. G. Tzafestas, "Genetic Design of Fuzzy Systems Based on a Novel Representation Scheme", in Proc. CESA ‘98, IMACS and IEEE-SMC Symposium on Robotics and Cybernetics, April 1-4, Nabeul-Hammamet, Tunisia (1998)

[Raptis & Tzafestas, 1998a]
S. N. Raptis and S. G. Tzafestas, "A Blueprint for a Genetic Meta-Algorithm", in Proc. EUFIT’98: 6th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing, September 7-10, Aachen, Germany (1998)

[Tzafestas & Raptis, 1997]
S. G. Tzafestas and S. N. Raptis, "Neural Networks for Inverse Kinematics", in Proc. The Third ECPD International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Intelligent Automation, and Active Systems, Sept. 15-17, Bremen, Germany (1997)

[Tzafestas et al., 1996]
S. G. Tzafestas, S. Raptis, and J. Pantazopoulos, "Vision-Based Trajectory Planning for a Robot-Mounted Welding Gun", in Proc. Second ECPD Conference on Advanced Robotics, Intelligent Automation and Active Systems, Sept. 26-28, Vienna, Austria (1996)

[Raptis & Tzafestas, 1996d]
S. Raptis and S. Tzafestas, "A Fuzzy Controller with Self-Formatting Rules Supervised by an Expert System for Robot Path Planning in Unknown Environments", in Proc. World Automation Congress’96: The First International Symposium on Intelligent Automation and Control, May 27-30, Montpellier, France (1996)

[Tzafestas et al., 1996a]
S. Tzafestas, Y. Anthopoulos, S. Raptis, N. Katevas, and E. Spyropoulou, "Design and Functional Issues of an Intelligent Car-Disassembly Robotic Cell", in Proc. IMACS and IEEE-SMC Symposium on Robotics and Cybernetics (CESA ‘96), pp. 629-636, July 9-12, Lille, France (1996)

[Tzafestas et al., 1995]
S. Tzafestas, N. Katevas, E. Spyropoulou, J. Anthopoulos, and S. Raptis, "Intelligent Integrated Robotic System for Car Disassembly", in Proc. National Workshop on Modern Automatic Control Technologies, Greek Technical Chamber, Athens, Greece, Dec. (1995)

[Stamou et al., 1995]
G. Stamou, S. Raptis, and S. Tzafestas, "An Agent-Like Architecture for Autonomous Robot Motion in Unknown Environment", in Proc. First ECPD Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Automation, September 6-8, Athens, Greece, pp. 452-457 (1995)

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