IPLR measures/properties
Variable Measure/Property Description Format NUM TXT SEL FIND COMBO
spel Spelling A sequence of letters that spells the word. %s YES YES YES YES YES
phon Phonetic A sequence of phonemes corresponding to the pronunciation of the word. The symbols used are plain lowercase and uppercase letters, to facilitate processing and display.  %s YES YES NO NO NO
freq Frequency The frequency of occurrence of this word form (letter sequence) in the selected corpus, per million words (tokens). %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
CVtyp CV types The phonotactic structure of the word's pronunciation expressed by classifying each phoneme as consonant or vowel. %s YES YES NO YES YES
Nlet N letters The number of letters in the word's spelling. %i YES NO YES YES YES
Nphon N phonemes The number of phonemes in the word's pronunciation. %i YES NO YES YES YES
Nsyl N syllables The number of syllables in the word's pronunciation, equal to the number of vowels. %i YES NO YES YES YES
StrSyl Stressed syllable The syllable (counting from the end) bearing phonological stress. 1=final, 2=penult, 3=antepenult, 0=unstressed; In case of double stress it is the list [1,3]. %i YES NO YES YES YES
UniqueSpe Orthographic uniqueness point (letter position) The leftmost letter position at which there are no matching words (starting from the beginning); an orthographic analogue for the recognition point. Exceeds word length when fully overlapping words exist. %i YES NO YES YES YES
UniquePho Phonological uniqueness point (phoneme position) The leftmost phoneme position at which there are no matching words (starting from the beginning); for words, this is the recognition point, when there are no competitors left in the cohort. Exceeds word length when fully overlapping words exist.  %i YES NO YES YES YES
BGtokfreqLet Logmean bigram token frequency (letters only) The mean logarithmic token frequency of letter pairs in the word's spelling, in occurrences per million tokens. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
BGtokfreqLetS Logmean bigram token frequency (letters & ends) The mean logarithmic token frequency of letter pairs in the word's spelling, including surrounding spaces (word ends), in occurrences per million tokens. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
BGtokprobLet Cumulative bigram token probability (letters) The cumulative conditional probability of each letter in the word given the previous one, including surrounding spaces, based on token counts. %.2f YES NO YES YES YES
BGtokfreqPho Logmean bigram token frequency (phonemes only) The mean logarithmic token frequency of phoneme pairs in the word's pronunciation, in occurrences per million tokens. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
BGtokfreqPhoS Logmean bigram token frequency (phonemes & ends) The mean logarithmic token frequency of phoneme pairs in the word's pronunciation, including surrounding silence (word ends), in occurrences per million tokens. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
BGtokprobPho Cumulative bigram token probability (phonemes) The cumulative conditional probability of each phoneme in the word given the previous one, including surrounding silence, based on token counts. %.2f YES NO YES YES YES
BGtypfreqLet Logmean bigram type frequency (letters only) The mean logarithmic type frequency of letter pairs in the word's spelling, in occurrences per million types. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
BGtypfreqLetS Logmean bigram type frequency (letters & ends) The mean logarithmic type frequency of letter pairs in the word's spelling, including surrounding spaces (word ends), in occurrences per million types. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
BGtypprobLet Cumulative bigram type probability (letters) The cumulative conditional probability of each letter in the word given the previous one, including surrounding spaces, based on type counts. %.2f YES NO YES YES YES
BGtypfreqPho Logmean bigram type frequency (phonemes only) The mean logarithmic type frequency of phoneme pairs in the word's pronunciation, in occurrences per million types. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
BGtypfreqPhoS Logmean bigram type frequency (phonemes & ends) The mean logarithmic type frequency of phoneme pairs in the word's pronunciation, including surrounding silence (word ends), in occurrences per million types. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
BGtypprobPho Cumulative bigram type probability (phonemes) The cumulative conditional probability of each phoneme in the word given the previous one, including surrounding silence, based on type counts. %.2f YES NO YES YES YES
mSylFreqTokPho Mean syllable token frequency, phonetic The mean token frequency of the word's phonological syllables, in occurrences per million tokens. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
mSylFreqTokSpe Mean syllable token frequency, spelling The mean token frequency of the word's orthographic syllables, in occurrences per million tokens. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
mSylFreqTokCV Mean syllable token frequency, CV type The mean token frequency of the word's syllable types, in occurrences per million tokens. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
mSylFreqTypPho Mean syllable type frequency, phonetic The mean type frequency of the word's phonological syllables, in occurrences per million types. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
mSylFreqTypSpe Mean syllable type frequency, spelling The mean type frequency of the word's orthographic syllables, in occurrences per million types. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
mSylFreqTypCV Mean syllable type frequency, CV type The mean type frequency of the word's syllable types, in occurrences per million types. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
nNeiPho N phonological neighbors (standard: replace only) The number of standard phonological neighbors of the word (same-length words that differ in exactly one phoneme). %i YES NO YES YES YES
nNeiSpe N orthographic neighbors (standard: replace only) The number of standard orthographic neighbors of the word (same-length words that differ in exactly one letter). %i YES NO YES YES YES
NeiFreqPho F (sum) phonological neighbors (standard: replace only) The total frequency (occurrences per million) of all standard phonological neighbors of the word %.2f YES NO YES YES YES
NeiFreqSpe F (sum) orthographic neighbors (standard: replace only) The total frequency (occurrences per million) of all standard orthographic neighbors of the word %.2f YES NO YES YES YES
mNeiFreqPho F (logmean) phonological neighbors (standard: replace only) The logarithmic mean frequency of all standard phonological neighbors of the word, in occurrences per million. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
mNeiFreqSpe F (logmean) orthographic neighbors (standard: replace only) The logarithmic mean frequency of all standard orthographic neighbors of the word, in occurrences per million. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
nNeiFPho N (>F) phonological neighbors (standard: replace only) The number of standard phonological neighbors of the word with higher frequency than the word. %i YES NO YES YES YES
nNeiFSpe N (>F) orthographic neighbors (standard: replace only) The number of standard orthographic neighbors of the word with higher frequency than the word. %i YES NO YES YES YES
nNeiRDITPho N phonological neighbors (replace,delete,insert,transpose) The number of R-D-I-T phonological neighbors of the word (words differing by a single phoneme replacement, deletion, insertion, or transposition). %i YES NO YES YES YES
nNeiRDITSpe N orthographic neighbors (replace,delete,insert,transpose) The number of R-D-I-T orthographic neighbors of the word (words differing by a single letter replacement, deletion, insertion, or transposition). %i YES NO YES YES YES
NeiRDITFreqPho F (sum) phonological neighbors (replace,delete,insert,transpose) The total frequency (occurrences per million) of all R-D-I-T phonological neighbors of the word %.2f YES NO YES YES YES
NeiRDITFreqSpe F (sum) orthographic neighbors (replace,delete,insert,transpose) The total frequency (occurrences per million) of all R-D-I-T orthographic neighbors of the word %.2f YES NO YES YES YES
mNeiRDITFreqPho F (logmean) phonological neighbors (replace,delete,insert,transpose) The logarithmic mean frequency of all R-D-I-T phonological neighbors of the word, in occurrences per million. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
mNeiRDITFreqSpe F (logmean) orthographic neighbors (replace,delete,insert,transpose) The logarithmic mean frequency of all R-D-I-T orthographic neighbors of the word, in occurrences per million. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
nNeiRDITFPho N (>F) phonological neighbors (replace,delete,insert,transpose) The number of R-D-I-T phonological neighbors of the word with higher frequency than the word. %i YES NO YES YES YES
nNeiRDITFSpe N (>F) orthographic neighbors (replace,delete,insert,transpose) The number of R-D-I-T orthographic neighbors of the word with higher frequency than the word. %i YES NO YES YES YES
OLD20 Orthographic Levenshtein distance 20 The mean orthographic Levenshtein distance (edit distance in terms of letters) of the 20 nearest words in the corpus. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
PLD20 Phonological Levenshtein distance 20 The mean phonological Levenshtein distance (edit distance in terms of phonemes) of the 20 nearest words in the corpus. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
nCohPho N phonological cohort The number of words beginning with the same phonological syllable (or a minimum of two phonemes) %i YES NO YES YES YES
mCohFreqPho F (sum) phonological cohort The total frequency of all words beginning with the same phonological syllable (or a minimum of two phonemes) %.2f YES NO YES YES YES
nCohSpe N orthographic cohort The number of words beginning with the same orthographic syllable (or a minimum of two letters) %i YES NO YES YES YES
mCohFreqSpe F (sum) orthographic cohort The total frequency of all words beginning with the same orthographic syllable (or a minimum of two letters) %.2f YES NO YES YES YES
nStrNeiPho N phonological stress neighbors The number of words with the same phonemes from the stressed vowel through the end %i YES NO YES YES YES
nStrNeiSpe N orthographic stress neighbors The number of words with the same graphemes from the stressed vowel through the end %i YES NO YES YES YES
StrNeiFreqPho F (sum) phonological stress neighbors The total frequency of all words with the same phonemes from the stressed vowel through the end. %.2f YES NO YES YES YES
StrNeiFreqSpe F (sum) orthographic stress neighbors The total frequency of all words with the same graphemes from the stressed vowel through the end. %.2f YES NO YES YES YES
PGalign Phoneme-grapheme alignment A set of phoneme-grapheme pairs %s NO YES NO NO NO
Syllables Syllables A segmentation of the phoneme string into syllabic substrings %s NO YES NO NO NO
SylAlign Syllable alignment A list of pairs matching phoneme and letter substrings at the syllable level %s NO YES NO NO NO
LastDevPho Last phonological cohort competitor A left-to-right maximally-matching item; that is, a word with the largest identical phoneme sequence, starting from the beginning %s NO YES NO NO NO
LastDevSpe Last orthographic cohort competitor A left-to-right maximally-matching item; that is, a word with the largest identical letter sequence, starting from the beginning %s NO YES NO NO NO
SylFreqTok Syllable token frequencies The frequency of occurrence of each syllable (regardless of position) of this word in the selected corpus, per million syllables (tokens). %s NO YES NO NO NO
SylFreqTyp Syllable type frequencies The frequency of occurrence of each syllable (regardless of position) of this word in the selected corpus, per million syllables (types). %s NO YES NO NO NO
NeiPho Phonological neighbors A set of words equal in number of phonemes to the source word that differ by it in exactly one phoneme %s NO YES NO NO NO
NeiSpe Orthographic neighbors A set of words equal in number of letters to the source word that differ by it in exactly one letter %s NO YES NO NO NO
NeiRDITPho Phonological neighbors (replace,delete,insert,transpose) A set of words that differ from the source word by a single phoneme replacement, insertion, deletion or transposition. %s NO YES NO NO NO
NeiRDITSpe Orthographic neighbors (replace,delete,insert,transpose) A set of words that differ from the source word by a single letter replacement, insertion, deletion or transposition. %s NO YES NO NO NO
CohPho Phonological cohort A set of words that begin with the same initial syllable (phoneme substring) as the source word %s NO YES NO NO NO
CohSpe Orthographic cohort A set of words that begin with the same initial syllable (letter substring) as the source word %s NO YES NO NO NO
StrNeiPho Phonological stress neighborhood A set of words matching the source word in stress position and in all phonemes from the stressed vowel through the end %s NO YES NO NO NO
StrNeiSpe Orthographic stress neighborhood A set of words matching the source word in stress position and in all letter from the stressed grapheme through the end %s NO YES NO NO NO
OLD20set Nearest 20 orthographic Levenshtein distance neighbors The 20 items in the corpus with the shortest edit distances over letters (minimal orthographic Levenshtein distance neighbors) %s NO YES NO NO NO
PLD20set Nearest 20 phonological Levenshtein distance neighbors The 20 items in the corpus with the shortest edit distances over phonemes (min. phonological Levenshtein distance neighbors) %s NO YES NO NO NO
mSGprobTyp Nondirectional grapheme-phoneme type probability (logmean) The logarithmic mean of type "sonograph" probabilities, ie, ratios of specific grapheme-phoneme types over the total number of grapheme-phoneme types. Multiplied by 1000 for readability.  %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
mSGprobTok Nondirectional grapheme-phoneme token probability (logmean) The logarithmic mean of token "sonograph" probabilities, ie, ratios of specific grapheme-phoneme tokens over the total number of grapheme-phoneme tokens. Multiplied by 1000 for readability. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
mPGprobTyp Type phonographemic probability (logmean) The logarithmic mean of type phoneme-grapheme (directional) probability, ie, the ratio of specific phoneme-grapheme types over all types of this phoneme, divided by the total number of phonemes. Multiplied by 1000 for readability. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
mPGprobTok Token phonographemic probability (logmean) The logarithmic mean of token phoneme-grapheme (directional) probability, ie, the ratio of specific phoneme-grapheme tokens over all tokens of this phoneme, divided by the total number of phonemes. Multiplied by 1000 for readability. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
mGPprobTyp Type graphophonemic probability (logmean) The logarithmic mean of type grapheme-phoneme (directional) probability, ie, the ratio of specific grapheme-phoneme types over all types of this grapheme, divided by the total number of graphemes. Multiplied by 1000 for readability. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
mGPprobTok Token graphophonemic probability (logmean) The logarithmic mean of token grapheme-phoneme (directional) probability, ie, the ratio of specific grapheme-phoneme tokens over all tokens of this grapheme, divided by the total number of graphemes. Multiplied by 1000 for readability. %.3f YES NO YES YES YES
minSGprobTyp Minimum nondirectional grapheme-phoneme type probability The minimum type "sonograph" probability, per 1000.  %.5f YES NO YES YES YES
minSGprobTok Minimum nondirectional grapheme-phoneme token probability The minimum token "sonograph" probability, per 1000.  %.5f YES NO YES YES YES
minPGprobTyp Minimum type phonographemic probability The minimum type phoneme-grapheme probability, per 1000. %.5f YES NO YES YES YES
minPGprobTok Minimum token phonographemic probability The minimum token phoneme-grapheme probability, per 1000. %.5f YES NO YES YES YES
minGPprobTyp Minimum type graphophonemic probability The minimum type grapheme-phoneme probability, per 1000. %.5f YES NO YES YES YES
minGPprobTok Minimum token graphophonemic probability The minimum token grapheme-phoneme probability, per 1000. %.5f YES NO YES YES YES